Mareike Wirth
Tierheilpraktikerin für alle FELLE 

Chef, ESH, massive parasite infestation (ear mites/hair follicle mites)


Symptoms/findings: Itching (pruritus) on the head/ears, ear tags presumably scratched off by himself except for small stumps (automutilation), Otodectes cynotis (ear mite cat) findings (vet), suspected opportunistic infection with Demodex cati (hair follicle mite).

My recommendation:
externally/topically: DMSO mixture with petroleum & sulphur flower

Color light therapy (green: 515-525 nm)

Ohren "innen": Spülung mit NaCl und spezieller Waschlotion (ph 5), Natron-Spülungen im Wechsel, Aroma-Öl (Catjeput) und SEKT (Weinsteinsäure)

Systemic: Hericium erinaceus, zinc

Duration of treatment: 12 weeks, with very close supervision and 4 appointments on site with respective treatment plan

Gloria had become aware of me through an online ad. At that time, Chef had been with her for just under six months. Chef "had something on his ribs again", had a thick coat (except on his head) and was generally doing very well.

However, the itching in her ears could neither be treated with conventional medication nor with ozonized olive oil.

Before he came to Gloria, he had already scratched away all but small bits of the ear bags. This can actually happen to cats within a single night. Due to a much higher number of defense cells in their skin, they feel itching up to 12 times more strongly than we do.

This went so far that Chef wanted to come and cuddle, but at the slightest touch he would growl and run away again. Poor guy.

Here too, the vegetable oil was used externally as an "itch-stop".

In several steps then "rinsing" (very small amounts!) with washing lotion (pH 5), sodium bicarbonate solution and sparkling wine.

Yes sparkling wine - we have carried out a diagnostic treatment for Malassezia with the tartaric acid it contains.  With success. Which also explains why the treatments for ear mites were only ever moderately successful. The fungus is not really bothered by ozonized olive oil. Malassezia usually affects dogs.

Externally, a mixture of DMSO, medical petroleum and sulphur blossom was applied to the skin as a paste.

The itching improved, but the skin was still rough, thickened and inflamed.



On that point, I invested in a color light therapy device.
Light of different wavelengths stimulates different metabolic processes in the cells. 

In his case, I recommended green light with a wavelength between 515 and 525 nm. Chef was treated at least twice a day for 20 minutes for 14 days. This is best done when the patient is asleep.



This has greatly improved the appearance of my skin and finally a lot more hair has grown back.

My biggest personal success with Chef, however, was when Gloria told me after about 4 weeks that Chef cuddles up to her in the morning and purrs really loudly.

Does your cat also have persistent itching?
Make an appointment with me now.
Mareike Wirth - Tierheilpraktikerin für alle Felle


One more word ..., Gloria is very familiar with dealing with (sick) animals and their medication, including handling. The boss gave her more than a direct indication of what he was prepared to put up with. (scratching, biting, hissing)

Therefore: As bad as the pictures from the rescue centers are - it doesn't help anyone if these animals end up in an animal shelter in Germany because the treatment of parasites and chronic diseases becomes too lengthy!
